Science North and Dynamic Earth will close early at 2:30pm on Thursday, April 3 for staff training. We'll be back to regular hours the following day. Thanks for your understanding!

The F. Jean MacLeod Butterfly Gallery will be temporarily closed from March 25ᵀᴴ to the 28ᵀᴴ due to maintenance.
We apologize for the inconvenience.


Every Friday we will provide Kindergarten teachers with a pre-recorded video and printable resource.

Teachers will be able to share these YouTube videos and resources with students every week.

Classroom videos, student handouts, and offline lesson plans will be made available on the days listed below. 
You will be able to send these videos and handouts to your students to provide them with key concepts and activities that link to the curriculum.

The offline lesson plans provide a detailed explanation of the concepts and the procedure. You can use this to help teach the lesson. These will also be made available to students without internet access.

life systems
  • Experimenting with Seeds!

    Let’s learn about seeds! What do they need to grow, what are they and how are they different? Students will explore how to sprout seeds with an at-home experiment and get them curious about seeds.


    • Seeds: any you might find at home or easily accessed (eg. Lentils, pinto beans, peppers, apples, oranges, tomatoes, etc.)
    • Paper towel
    • Water
    • Optional: Tupperware, sealable bag (Ziplock or equivalent)


matter and energy
  • Rainbow in a Cup!

    In this lesson your students will learn that not all liquids are the same and even though corn syrup and oil look similar they are totally different. It is a fun and colourful activity that gets them thinking and engaged, who doesn't love making rainbows?


    • Food colouring (minimum colours yellow, red, blue)
    • 20 Tbsp of white caster sugar
    • Tbsp measuring spoon
    • ¼ measuring cup
    • 5 clear cups
    • 1 ¼ cup of water
    • See through container/glass measuring cup
    • Spoon



structures and mechanisms
  • Building with Shapes!

    Let’s get building! In this lesson students will review the shapes they know and then explore how shapes can be used in different buildings. Students will identify shapes in different structures and will build their own structures using shapes.


    • 6-8 popsicle sticks or other equally sized materials (markers, straws, pencils)
    • Crayons
    • Handout
    • Paper
    • Blocks or other building materials



life systems
  • Magic of Metamorphosis!

    Treat your students to a transformative experience with fun activities in the world of butterflies. In this lesson, students will examine the stages of the lifecycle noting the changes in development as it metamorphoses from a caterpillar to a beautiful butterfly.


    • Egg carton
    • Red and green paint or markers
    • Scissors
    • Pipe cleaners
    • Multi-coloured markers
    • Coffee filter
    • Paint brushes (if you’re using paint)




earth and space systems
  • The Changing Seasons!

    Spring is here! But what does that mean and how do we know that it is spring? In this lesson your students will explore the different characteristics of each season and will learn how humans, plants and animals adapt to the changes in each season.


    • Outdoor wear for each season (hats, coats boots, sandals, etc.)
    • Worksheet
    • Crayons (green, blue, yellow, and orange for worksheet)
    • Blank paper



matter and energy
  • Water and Plants!

    What is water and why is it important? Students will learn about the properties of water, how water can move and why this is important for plants. Students will learn this through hands-on activities they can do at home.


    • 3 to 5 clear cups
    • Water
    • 2 to 3 colours of food colouring
    • White paper towel (2 sheets)
    • Celery stalk
    • Crayons
    • Scissors



earth and space systems
  • Deep Dive!

    In this lesson, we will get a little messy and dive into the earth. This lesson will engage your student in a hands-on and creative way to explore the earth’s crust – all the way down to its very core! Engaging creativity while tackling big topics, join us for a deep dive!


    • 3 cups of white flour
    • 4 tsp of crème of tartar
    • 1 tbsp of cocoa powder
    • 4 TBSP cooking oil
    • Large mixing bowl (able to withstand heat)
    • Dental floss
    • Wooden spoon
    • 1 cup of salt
    • 2 cups of boiling water
    • Red, yellow, and blue food colouring
    • Rolling pin




structures and mechanisms
  • Paper Cups? No Way!

    In this lesson, your students will learn about weight distribution and how small fragile objects can be used to hold a lot of weight. They may learn a little balance in the mix as well! It is a fun and easy way to engage students and to allow them to safely experiment on their own.


    • Flat piece of cardboard (big enough to stand on)
    • 12 paper cups




life systems
  • What Comes from an Egg?

    How do frogs go from being an egg to an adult frog and why do frog eggs look so different from chicken eggs? In this lesson students will learn about what types of animals lay eggs, what different types of eggs look like, and do a hands on activity to explore the frog life cycle.


    • Handouts
    • Egg (chicken)
    • Play-Doh
    • Crayons
    • Glue stick
    • Crayons
    • 2 paper plates
    • 1 brad fastener

    To Make Play-Doh:

    • 1.5 cups flour
    • 1⁄2 cup salt
    • 1 cup boiling water
    • 2 tbsp oil
    • 2 tsp cream of tartar




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